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  • They ALL ran Dbol, NPP, Primo and test. What can I take… the whole point in using SARMs is not shutting your HPTA down and just dealing with some very short lived suppression. One of my really good buddies doesn't have to take anything. Just know that dbol will give you fast size and strength, but it can be lost equally as fast once you stop using it. ) masteron In the order I feel the best with the best bloodwork/ feel good. The second half I brought in an androgen and started dbol This would be my first time using NPP PRIMO and DBOL. 2. Best for Mental Wellbeing - TestP and Dbol, then Anavar, Winstrol, Primo/Anadrol Best for Libido - TestP, Anavar/Winny. so you can run It without sexdrive problems Reply reply Top 9% Rank by size Just be prepared to blow up like a water balloon from the dbol. Week 1-16 DHB 300mg. Truly. IIRC he also developed it using dbol. I’m almost done my 2nd week. But what compounds would you add in with it for extra size or just up doses thank you. So after over a month of the same amount of test and primo, and 2 1/2 weeks anadrol then two weeks of dbol, Ive seen no strength gains at all. I ran the injectable for 2 weeks prior to adding the oral. cumfartlicker74. )Primo 2. This is my 4th cycle, but my first time running dbol. It's an entire different animal compared to Var n Primo ( Which is what my wife uses) We were just curious why y'all seem to use it so long. I actually see incredibly muscle quality improvements at 350mg/week but the real sweet spot was 700. I'm thinking 300/200/25 test/primo/dbol. get in, get increased anabolism, get out and recover quick. Week 1-6 Tren E 150mg. The chronic fatigue was so bad I stopped the anadrol and switched to 50mg of Dbol after the first two and a half weeks. Masteron gives me a nice clean feeling of being “on” I don’t feel overly aggressive or have paranoid feelings like I would on tren. I am running primo for 20 weeks currently. 10mg of Dbol a day covers the androgencity of a replacement dose of testosterone. The lack of androgenic simulation is the problem. Hope this helps. you won’t really “notice” the testosterone until 6-8 weeks. Some weight and strength gains. Dbol has been great for strength but not hypertrophy which is my main goal. Those compounds are normally around 400 - 800 mg/week, depending on the blast. As far as the plan goes it's along the lines of-. 25 mg dbol 4 times a week. 35mg of dbol is an odd dose though, is it tablets? I have done this exact cycle and put on a good amount of weight. Was blown away by the low doses and the pyramid tampering but he did admit Arnold abused the shit out of primo going past 1000 at time a week hence why he looked so good and dry dieting while using dbol. So watch your BP. Body weight ~ 155lbs. 5D Weeks 7-13: Test E 250 mg E3. They used it with Primo. Microdose your test daily or more frequently than twice per week. Dbol is still used as HRT. A lot. If E2 feels a little little high, then bump the primo to 300. Now, here's the deal: my usual site is Dbol was used in conjunction with other steroids and substrates for aromatase like nandrolone, primobolan, winstrol etc. If you generally feel more comfortable with elevated E2 and/or higher estrogen:androgen ratios, you are more likely to not feel amazing when you add Proviron at 25-50mg to your 100mg cruise/TRT. I totally get the logic of lower doses to start with, the cautious approach always pays off in the long run, but you gotta consider you’re 40 or 50lbs heavier than a lot of dudes starting their first test cycle. Dbol might work as a test base for SARMs, since it aromatizes*. ie this isn't a totally crazy Labs use carriers like miglyol840 and strong solvents like ethyl oleate or guaiacol to achieve unusual concentrations and primo 200 is perfectly possible with these. Weeks 6-10: Test E 300mg 2x/week. Aromasin every 3 days, 12. Weeks 6-9: Tren A 50mg/day. I tried something with dbol and had decent keepable gains. Mar 26, 2020 ยท 4,067. Because dbol doesn't convert to dht and when combining something with testosterone, DHT gets freed up even more because DHT derivates lower SHBG. No real big differences in strength, physique deff look a little more defined but still not as muscular as dbol. Gains: Dry, vascular look, increased strength, increased mind muscle connection. 200/200, 300/300, 400/400, 500/500 for a 16 week cycle. Instant relief. Weeks 7-18: 500 mg Test 300mg NPP 200mg Primo Up the test to 500, also taking P5P daily, with Caber on hand incase things get nipply. If this also works with primobolan - if anything based on (0) it should work better with a DHT-derivative - perhaps the golden age primo + dbol cycle just got a non-suppressive reboot *This is the basis of 'pulsed orals', popularised by Dr D at the Anabolic Minds forum a few years back. I've run test and primo before and want to add more to the cycle. Its more liver toxic than most compounds, and good luck getting balanced E2 levels having dbol in your cycle. I figured if I throw in dbol, it will help keep my estrogen high. With Primo? Tbol. For those unaware, each week however often we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Gained 6 kgs kept 4. I’m happy to say that I could not have asked for better results during my cycle. I have associated bloodwork for all of these compounds. You shouldn't. • 3 yr. Mar 26, 2020. First impression (week 1-2): Good euphoric and confident feeling. Dianabol and trestolone aren’t lacking androgencity like nandrolone. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But some dudes dont like pinning. Take TUDCA and NAC for liver support and do lots of cardio. There isn't a single guy on the Olympia stage that hasn't used oral steroids. The feeling isn’t like the feeling I’ve had from crashing my e2 through AIs but I think having dbol keeping my e2 a little higher Couldn't squat properly so I just had to give up the Dbol. [Compound Experience Saturday] Primo (Methenolone) Compounds. There's no primo ester you can take once a week (even enanthate should be taken x2 week) and the amount of pills doesn't matter, the milligrams are what matter. The look that Sdrol brings is much cleaner. Dose, duration, other compounds used: Dbol kickstart (3 weeks, 10mg daily) - Test-E 300 initially (bumped to 350mg after getting bloods 5 weeks in to dial in estro perfectly) - Primo 400mg (HPLC tested) I’m currently on week 15. To answer your question, though. Like last 7 years new. Chavez explains well how to used Dbol as a base and how it was historically used by the medical community back in that time. You are 20 and have only been lifting for a year and a half. OH BB Press, Decline BB Press, BB Row, BB Curls, Pullups, Squats, Lunges 15 milligrams per day of Dianabol (Dbol) combined with the weekly shot of Primo. But if u wanna save money just run it as part of the pct. They work in an entirely different way and if your goal is to pack on serious size, you need to utilize them. Arguably. ADMIN MOD. The Steroidify Team. People always say it is Dbol's little brother but I stopped diol and went back to tbol because the gains were identical for me except with TBOL there was zero water retention and my estrogen wasn't skyrocketed. . Primo is always the same: the injectable version and oral version have the same exact structure. I've run dbol anadrol and tbol and tbol is by far my favourite. 5, Test 500. 5D + 30 mg dbol ED Weeks 12-15 HCG 500 IU EOD Week 16 : PCT 20 mg nolvadex for 4 weeks, then 4 weeks at 10 mg. Nandrolone base works for some people. I'm doing 375mg of test E and 200mg of primo E per week and 20mg of dbol per day. [Compounds] Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP) Compounds. Come back in five years. Estradiol symptoms indicate it’s running high notably nipple sensitivity and water retention. Haven't run it, but supposed dose is at least 500mg for 8-12 weeks. Enanthate is brewed at much higher concentration, 250mg/mL, for a total of 2. +500cal surplus. As an actual steroid, the cons outweigh the pros. I’m at the beginning of a 16 week cycle for test and primo 500:400 and dbol 10 mg 3x a day for 4-5 weeks. This week we are discussing Methandrostenolone, better known as Dianabol or Dbol. Its a fucking classic "stack". Or maybe you need to stop masterbaiting to pictures of sam. Anavar: 50mg/ day, filled in my weak spots, but didn't put on much size. 7-30mg a week TEST P: strength (6/10), physique (10/10), mood (10/10) Test puts my libido and mood through the r o o f which is the main reason I use it. But such small doses of dbol over only 5 weeks is not going to give you any real gain. I wish it was easier for me to get bloods more often. LoL the infamous "dbol only cycle" Yes AI are much needed, I had to start popping aromasin (exemestan) by day 4 because I started to get very hot. Criticism also accepted, flame me if you need to. Except for primo, there was a dude who used to train with Arnold's group I think on anabolicminds had some interesting stories. Week 3: 20mg per day. Body weight ~ 158lbs. Winstrol is greatttt. I am 4 weeks in 100mg per week NPP 80mg per week PRIMO 5mg ED dbol PROs: I am strong, I have never looked this ‘jacked’ before. This week we are discussing Primo aka Methenolone. This was the Golden Era cycle that everyone used, why isn't it common anymore? Dbol takes the place of testosterone for androgen and estrogen replacement. Planning my next bulk, trying to dial in primo and dbol dosage EDIT: Posted dosages backwards lol, want to run 500 primo with 200 test and 20 dbol, hoping the extra primo will combat any extra e2 from the dbol, than switch to 400 primo 200 test you could start a cycle at 200 test, 200 primo if you're coming from a natty state, and then up the dosage every 4 weeks to keep the stimulus on the adaptations with programmed calorie escalations too. First half was an anabolic, to build muscle. Look at all the golden era BB. oil stack is always a testosterone base (duh) around 400 mg/week with masteron and trenbolone as the rest of the stack. Currently planning on running a 16 week 500test cyp, 300 Primo, 35mg Dbol Cycle (6wk) cycle. You'll piss it all out at the end when the water leaves your body and you aren't swelling up your muscles with excess glycogen. Even 200mg of test/week is going to give you more results than a high dose sarm. Pin EOD. Only primo that has been tested from this brand was the 100mg/ml version, but their products normally test on point. For me, Tbol gave nice clean gains. NPP would benefit eventhough you run a very very mild dose, and good thing is you can taper up pretty fast. Strength gains and overall size is really good with that combination. 1. Check E2 after a few weeks in and titrate the primo to keep it near top of the reference range. There's really no money in faking it. There’s much more to a cycle then simply taking a couple compounds, injecting them and waiting for the gains to download. There’s a methylation on C-1 (if I remember well) which makes it vaguely available orally. At 500 mg a week of test I have to take Asin 12. 39 Online. Considering you’re 220lbs I’d probably encourage you starting your dose nearer the r/steroids recommended first cycle of 500mg test E/wk. Hey people, I'm about to jump on a test/deca cycle, maybe throw in some dbol who knows. Started the cycle at 192lbs. Gained some size that seemed neither dry or wet. If you want to be as safe as possible you should stick with test, primo and anavar. As for dosage, 20mg is usually more than enough. This week we are discussing Mesterolone aka Proviron . For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Thinking of doing Dbol for the first 4 weeks, around 10-15mg per day, and then switching to 200mg Deca for the next 6 weeks with a base of test of 250mg per week. No. I’ve already use all this compounds in the past. What the fuck dude of course real steroids are going to better than sarms. Gonna add 25mg of Proviron too, to keep the water retention from Dbol in check. Currently almost finishing week 6 of TestC 500mg/week and TrenA 100mg/week, and the strength doesn't quite come close to what I got out of Dbol and YK11 stacked, in 4 weeks. Planning to keep it low-key with doses to avoid any harsh sides. [Compounds] Methenolone aka Primobolan or Primo. I’m doing 20mg of dbol per day now. Incorporating NPP can be especially helpful if you plan to add winstrol in the final weeks of your cycle. Currently at 220lbs with 2 days left in the cycle. I'm into the 2nd month of exactly the same 4 drugs. Probably a bit much Aromasin. personally I wouodnt even think about running anything less than 500mg of primo now, for any less than 16 weeks obviously it brings its own issues as primo will essentially crash e. My rear delts grew. Not an expert by any means, but I've seen dbol come in all shapes and sizes. Other helpful information? Dbol was used as a base during the golden era by guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Fran Columbu, etc. The dbol was only for 4 weeks due to liver toxicity. Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the I have dbol and var I could add to the cycle. Mental effects of Masteron: Confident, horny, happy. the others were not noticeable Most Virilizing - Winstrol, Test P, Dbol (not long enough to see the effects though), Primo, Anadrol/Anavar -- That was basically her summary, just formatted it and re-worded a few things. 5 grams per vial instead of 500mg per vial, which means each vial costs upwards of $300-350. Ah, the song of my people! To date I have brewed and used injectable versions of: Dbol, Sdrol, Adrol, Tbol, Anavar, and Winstrol. Studies show after 7 -8 weeks viralization, and sides trend way up n fast. Maybe he uses estrogen blockers. I dropped my estrogen from 74 to 55 by simply increasing injection frequency from 2x per week to 3x. Acetate is often brewed at 50mg/mL for only 500mg total compound in the vial, but MENT is so expensive for raws, that vial costs $50-75. Dihydroboldenone [Compound] Compounds. Anastrozole according to the results of bloodwork or on the expressed sides of E2. Some stats about me: 20 years old in college. With Sdrol I get water in my muscle, with Dbol I get water between the muscle and skin. I think there is no reason to run 2 dht run either primo or mast. Now a days there are much smarter and safer ways to cycle to keep organ stress lower. . depending on what total MG's you need, you can do things as simple as 300 test 300 primo and maintain a very dry well pumped up physique the entire time, whilst steadily adding protein. /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. Week 4: 20mg a day. Why did the Dbol/Primo/Deca cycle die off? ๐Ÿง‘‍๐Ÿค‍๐Ÿง‘ Discussion ๐Ÿง‘‍๐Ÿค‍๐Ÿง‘. If you want to run an oral only cycle then use a DHT derivative that'll be slow to supress your SHBG like anavar or anadrol. I haven’t heard of people packaging dbol as tbol though. 10mg dbol ED and primo ace EOD at 1-2g per week is a good cycle for cutting and bulking. Week 1-6 Tren A 150mg. If you look at their physiques its clear that it worked. Primo for the legendary primo + dbol combo would be harder to get legit than anavar and according to Taieen Clark Anavar is also more hair safe than primo. Ill never stop. The Cycle. Its been two weeks on Dbol now. 5 every other day. And then up the Primo. This week we are discussing Nandrolone aka NPP. The cycle will be : Week 1-16 Test C 750mg. primo 600mg per week. Weeks 1-5: Test Cyp 200mg 2x/week. I now only use masteron when it’s paired with tren but other then that I don’t feel as good as primo . Reply. Protocol for the first cycle Week 1-6: Test E 250mg E3. Or check it out in the app stores Use mast or primo dbol or adrol mixed with tren gonna shoot The other oral (s) being anavar and/or proviron at 50 mg/day. You don’t need an AI or primo to suppress estrogen on 150mg test. But I advocate do what feels best for you. Test primo cycle add in dbol tbol or eq? Just finished my last blast 650test 350eq 250mast (doses are to low I should of went higher) Gonna start with 500 test and 350 primo and adjust. Dosages may range from 200-400 mg per week, generally recommended split into three injections. If you ran like 30mg of dbol for 16 weeks, you'd get some decent gains. 5ft 10in. Tbol: 80mg/ day, well balanced steroid. you will probably find that the 400/400 option, if you weigh less than 100kg is the max I'm thinking of doing this cycle. Personally I wouldnt do a dbol only cycle or use it for test base. prider90. Sdrol is hands down the most powerful oral IMO. Trenbolone vs. There have been accounts of people getting winstrol instead of anavar and very highly dosed masteron instead of primo. I would say run 2-3 cycles of straight test or maybe test/var before adding in heavy hitters like dbol. I am currently running primo and test with some dbol as pwo. My bench went up consistently 5 lbs every week and the gains remained after stopping. Or check it out in the app stores You’re pouring gas on the fire Test 400 Primo 500 DBOL 20-25 ADMIN MOD. Week 6-12 Tren E 300mg. Doing full body workout 7x/week. Weeks 1-8: Dbol 10mg 3x/day. I tried making injectable Aromasin for kicks, as well. You have to learn how your body will react to test, both immediately and over time, before mixing in other stuff. Probably due to the ester I;the test though as I always have mild water retention with cyp. Yall really making me do extra work 5 weeks out lmao, well in the spirit of DHT and things thatll destroy your hair, lets do proviron. You will have far more androgens than estrogen floating around. And the methlyestrogen it produces ought to help maintain SHBG levels. Read a lot more. DOSAGES: I’ve run it at low (<300), medium (<600) and ~higher (<900) doses. Everything about Performance Enhancing Compounds. I've been on dbol for 3 weeks now. I was able to stop the acne from spreading any further by cleaning up my diet and showering twice a day. Enjoy not being bloated and accumulating liver stress while also being on a productive blast. These threads are extremely useful as an archive for new users, and for experienced users researching a new compound. Primo also has been used in very high doses in studies with minuscule sides. its an incredibly effective cycle. It’s the only guaranteed mainstay besides Test in every blast from now on. These threads are extremely useful as an Short answer- Yes Long Answer- if you have to ask it’s not time for you to do a cycle. If avoiding tren, I would run something like the following 20-week cycle : test 300-400mg per week. It’s time again for Compound Comparison! Today we have two injectable steroids, one of which is very popular- Trenbolone! It’s competitor, DHB, is a DHT derivative and a fairly newcomer to the steroid scene. Good anabolism, no extra body hair or hair receding. 5mg daily, but I just want to be sure that I'm not missing out on something better. I feel like with the dbol I’m more balanced now. I don't run sarms only anymore. Skip the dbol and run the primo around 1:1. OVERVIEW: Primo is the Pfizer to Tren’s Johnson & Johnson. I'd also still keep AI on hand. NSFW. It might be safe, or it might not be. Squat now: 500x1. It works becouse dbol provider androgen and estrogen and primo act as mild a. Do it correctly and in a structured protocol. Also, dbol is cheap to make. Depending on your dose, your tolerance of the compound, and a host of other things. Squat before: 335x3. Even dbol affects neurotransmitters to some extent but obviously not as strongly as 19nors at least that’s the impression I get. Is it Proviron's fault, or are your ratios not ideal for you. All playing the same part at the same time. I finished up the dbol a few days ago and just did my first biweekly injections since stopping the dbol. I've also brewed up some M1T, but I've yet to run it. “Muscle mass wise. Your method of throwing more drugs at this issue is not the best plan of action. I have a vial of dbol injections and starting doing 30 mg eod. Let’s hear your thoughts and suggestions! Please share your experience 400mg/wk tren E, 150mg/week test e, 20mg/day dbol and end of cycle 40mg Var- proviron throughout 600mg/week Test E, dbol mixed in as well Reply reply More replies I plan on really micro dosing and stepping it up slowly if I feel the need. I am bulking and usually i look more softer but i look harder, pumps insane Side effects: Clitoris swelling, hair fall. Dbol has been clinically proven to work lol. 1: Has anyone ran test and primo with var or Dbol before? 2. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Just choose one - there's no need to stack them. Generally feel good after about 45-60 mins. TLDR; for me personally, var is best for strength. For me, 1. Typically standing up after a while caused red flushes. Everyone's genetics are different. ” Yeah your gonna get some crazy water retention, you’ll gain 45lbs from a 4 week cycle. 20 MG 2 hours before workout ( 3x per week ) for 5 weeks. What most commonly happens is stuff is underdosed relative to the listed mg on the packaging. Just finished my last blast Gains from test are almost all AR mediated, while gains from dbol are a result of a huge igf-1 increase and glycogen storage. I find that running test then adding sarms (usually rad) gives a good strength boost. Had some carpal tunnel syndrome in my wrists due to forearm growth and bloating too. 6. Weeks 1-4: Hop on the test E train at 600 mg/wk Weeks 5-10: Add in deca and blast it at 300 mg/wk Weeks 11-12: Get off deca and run test for 2 more weeks to Keep in mind, they did some pretty reckless cycles back in the golden era of body building. 50mg of dbol generally gives me a constant headache after about a week. Much less 3 compounds and a oral. Most strong exogenous steroids, even at low doses, will shut you down after repetitive use, and some will cause even heavy drops in testosterone levels after just one dose. Primo was used as well for many, many cycles. 65K Members. Could I get away with lower doses of the var or dbol and still notice the gains on top of the primo and test? 4. run for the last 4 weeks during a bulk and its given me great endurance, vascularity and strength, plus just makes me look leaner and harder. Marco. If you needed more total MG's or more wet weight, 600 test 300 primo is gonna run your e2 a bit higher and give a rounder EQ and masteron the safest substances I’ve used thus far. 5mg of aromasin every other day. Now I use 12. Compounds. I sub the proviron from weeks 1-4 for Primo the remainder of cycle, hoping the Primo helps combat the sides of NPP while still adding some anabolic benefits. These threads are extremely useful as an archive Week 8 - Dbol 25, Rad 7. Primobolan (DHT derivative, doesn't aromatize, non-liver toxic) + dbol (aromatises, acting as a quasi test base, liver toxic) was a popular golden era cycle. Run just the test, deca, and primo for at least a month while you dial in your E2. Jcaesar369. Test and then an additional compound. Pct 10mg nolva 4 weeks Asin half a pill eod for 2 weeks . Nowhere near as wet like dbol & not as dry as winny. ago. Dbol works you’ll gain size from it. roids dont give you gyno, some roid metabolites namely E2 (test), methyl estradiol (dbol) and progesterogenic metabolites of 19nors are what actually cause gyno. If E2 feels a little low, drop the Primo to 100. dbol and anadrol wrecked my digestive system and made me feel like shit even on 1200mg of nac a day, even after just 2 weeks, where as tbol Dbol simply shouldn't be ran past the 8 wk mark. Currently taking 550/450 test/primo and thinking of adding 20mg of dbol for just a month but a bit worried it will affect my health. Granted dbol results in a fuck ton of fake mass that fades and people think they lost their gains, but the contractile tissue remains in many. also spread the dosage throughout the day and take it before meals so the anabolic acute effect is happening alongside nutrient uptake. Run the dbol your first 4 weeks. After the part where he talks about 100 milligrams of Primo per week and the 15 milligrams of Dianabol per day he says: “But that was then, this is now. tons of classic 70s-80s body builders did solo orals. 5 mg. ) Ostarine 3. This week we are discussing Winstrol aka Stanozolol or Winny. Our objective is to create an in-depth background of performance enhancing drugs from every background while building a community around discussion of these substances. I won’t even touch orals ever again either. Absolutely do NOT run dbol for your first cycle dude. I'm doing 200mg test/200mg deca/420mg primo per week + 12. Oddly enough, I’ve heard of people packaging dbol as LGD. #2. Test E @ 300-400mg Primo (lowest dose with benefits please comment below) NPP (lowest The anadrol made me lethargic AFFF all the time. And then your own endogenous T will be suppressed. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. This is about what I "thought" creatine would do when I was younger. This week we are discussing 1-Test, Dihydroboldenone or DHB The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. The Benefit/Side ratio is arguably the best in the game. Masteron is a poor man’s drug. Running test e at 600mg /week primo at 900. I (males) would never go longer then 8 wks with Dbol l. Cons: Enlarged prostate, acne, and possible hair loss. Keep your Dbol on hand in case you run into low E2 sides from the Primo (you probably won't). Everytime I run test/primo my e2 crashes. This was a pretty standard beginning cycle, mostly allowing me to dip my toes in and see how I reacted to things. Very harsh, I personally would never run more than 20mg ed for 4 weeks. But in reality you’ll lose 20-25 lbs from it because of the water weight. Acne totally cleared up pretty quickly fortunately. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback My cycle is 4 weeks on 30 mg dbol a day and at least 16 weeks of Test/primo 500:400 depending on bloodwork. Anavar is also a DHT derivative, and supposed to be minimally liver toxic, so it 'matches' primo to some extent. When I stopped the dbol the entire balance of estradiol got thrown off and I got low estrogen. So yes, Dbol is a 17-a Boldenone but their effect are different. Cycles with no test base or 50mg of dbol as a base and then high doses of deca. A growing cast of actors shove, share center stage. so something like 20mg pwo, 10mg before meal 1, 10mg before meal 2 is a nice scheme. Cost/reward ratio just isn't worth it I was running a cycle with 30 mg of oral dbol every day with test:primo 500:400 split into 2 doses a week. A single atom in the structure can change everything from a biological point of view. 5mg dbol/day (the dbol is just like a pre-workout pump product basically). This entire notion of test base and inject only is very new. Way too bricked on primo. Im fortunate enough to be able to run 700mgs of primo about 6 months of the year along side Tren and masteron and I love the combination. Me personally I’ve ran dbol once, actually at the end of a blast. What were the pros and cons? 3. Dbol is usually ran max 6 weeks and with 40 mg day dose thats the max length i can run, so its 250 mg test e all cycle 12-14 weeks, while test activates dbol will take over and after i stop taking dbol i dont want it to be just 250 test so i will add like 60 anavar, i would wanna do deca boldenone or primo as 3rd gear but first 2 is heavy on side effects and the latter is expensive for the Test cyp, 500mg per week. •. It’ll be like a jumpstart to the cycle. Super underrated. My plans were to just do a similar thing this coming bulk with three 6-week cycles of dbol at 7. i. Acne kept getting worse started on my neck and a few pimples on my face. Main reason for tapering up is to find the absoloute best dose that suits you, i could say do 300 and that might be perfect for you or just too much. So yes e2 on dbol are no joke. Dbol would fall in the category of heavy exogenous steroid, and cause a considerable drop in your natural test levels even after one dose. pu hj ru jk ze zt pc cs le yj