Beginner cutting cycle reddit

If you cut while maintaining enough protein in your diet and training correctly you can lose some of the fat Oct 8, 2023 · Primobolan. You will sometimes see a very temporary loss of performance because food is fuel, but that is not the same as lost strength. r/PEDs. They still do it. But one way is easier. 16 weeks bulking X 1 pound/week = 16 lb gain. My opinion is that’s probably overkill for a cutting cycle. So, the cycle was 15 weeks of 500mg test e. 36. To get started, you need to know your maintenance calories ("maint") to have an idea on how many calories you can consume without gaining or losing weight, hence the term maintenance; no change in weight. The more cycles, the more you will keep- To a certain extent. No shit you didn’t get results, you didn’t even try to get results. Adding short esters and Long esters of the same compound (test p and test e, nandrolone and npp etc). Advice on my cycle. And as you might have expected, I would strongly advise against that. Otherwise the load for your untrained tendons is just to big. 16 weeks cutting x 1 lb/week = 16 lb loss. Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Anavar 80mg ED (1-6) Mast Prop 350mg EW (10-15) t3 25mcg ED (1-4, 7-11, 14-15) Clen 40-100mcg ED 2 weeks on/2off. Acne kept getting worse started on my neck and a few pimples on my face. 2-1. Click Join now to receive You could try bulking to your target weight slowly then see where your BF is. 5 lbs per week. NSFW. Despite all the advice to the contrary you chose to do the one thing that you shouldn’t do. 75 = 12 pound loss. If you're looking to improve your BJJ, boxing or sprinting then this is an ideal first cycle. Anecdotally my recovery on cycle is almost exactly the same, I'm just getting stronger faster. Been lifting for ~6 years and had really good success… Pretty straight forward and the obvious answer is: Bulk, then cut. As for the time period, you mentioned 6 months. But in actual studies, there hasn't been any higher . It's a lot easier to gain muscle and then burn calories with the new gained muscles. Click Join now to receive First cut cycle. https://ibb. I front loaded 450mg testosterone cypionate week 1 to help maximize my blood levels quicker. Week 1: 10mg. Basic layout was 3 compounds and 4 accs movements with some bonus when I was feelin extra crispy. Cycle, Diet, Training: I wasn't extremely strict, started a new job involving a substantial amount of physical work a few weeks into my cut, so I gave up trying to cut at 2200. Compound: Test/Deca/anavar Dosage: 600/400/50 Cycle length: Test/Deca: 16 weeks Anavar: first month. Volume was 8 pyramid style sets for compounds and 4-6 sets for accessories while alternating heavy and light days. It is most often used for cutting cycles for this reason, and because its anabolic rating is quite weak so it’s not well suited to bulking. Variations: change the cutting angle off of the cone, change the location or distance to the cone including laterally, start at the cone then accelerate to the ladder, have the partner call out which direction to cut (ie left-right) or which cut to make (ie deep, under, upline, 7, etc), change the location of the thrower. Acne totally cleared up pretty quickly fortunately. I've been bulking for over a year and I still have visible abs. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. If you’re new to lifting yes you can build muscle when you’re cutting. Cycle Structure: Week 1-2: Mk677 10mg. Click Join now to receive I've noticed that most of you here are proponents of long-ass cycles for absolute beginners, such as 500-750mg testE a week for 14 weeks. 5 to 0. After a beginner test blast (400mg/week) and a cruise at 175mg/week, I'm planning to branch out to an EQ-based blast fairly soon. 5% of bodyweight a week and very likely should be in a daily 1,000+ calorie deficit. Doing an 8 week cycle so figured when im done i can cut more until summer. 25 = 4 lb fat. But a little fat gain will always be inevitable. Then you are getting stronger as well. Toward the end of my cycle I slightly tapered back the dose and waited 4-5 days in between injections. Metenolone Enanthate (Primobolan Depot) Structure. Just habit i guess. If you guys could share tips/advice. Also you have to keep in mind if your losing weight, while your lifts are staying the same. As a beginner, should you cut or bulk first? Cutting and bulking has its uses, and both are necessary if you want to optimize your gains. 8. So no, you don't NEED to cycle, but it might help you reach your goals if a slow bulk doesn't work perfectly. AFAIK, 1. ramping doses up every four weeks except for the test/NPP. A mini-cut should be used in the middle of a prolonged bulking phase. This Saturday's discussion is First Cycle Experiences. 12 weeks is above what I would recommend but isn’t unheard of. Week 10-11: Rad140 25mg, Mk677 20mg. Morning AM i was doing fasted cardio running 4-6 miles and then lifting at lunch or after work. I'd like to cut the fat ASAP, but I'm willing to bulk for a short term if I think it'll give me a better foundation of muscle for when I lose the fat. It slowly adds quality muscle on a bulk and for any steroid visual effects you always have to be low bodyfat. Then cut for 2 or 3 months until you get the body you want (probably back to 155 or 160) just in time for summer. Does this sound like a decent beginner cut cycle, or does it look completely dumb? Weeks 1-8: Equipoise, 300 mg, E3D 5'10 171 lbs at ~12-13% bf. Mike Istaerel said that a 4 week cycle of anavar only in the 10-30mg range won't shut down your natural test production, I don't think he touched on suppression (i am assuming it obviously will Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Take arimidex when you Ive been lifting for about 16 months and been recomping. Or just below . Anavar 30mg every day for 8 weeks. 300 primo (maybe 400) is plenty to minimise muscle loss and will have minimal impact on health makers with 200mg test. Lets get straight into the pictures. Xy13. 400mg test blend 350mg NPP 100mg tren ace. ) Keep the environment free from any monetary influences. Depends on how hard you bulk and how hard you cut. Fat loss = 16 lb x . Half compound/Half iso. Thats right about the amount of time I'd be willing to tolerate. Workout: I kept track of every workout. On the other hand, most European forums I visit, are more reasonable with dosages and length, the beginner cycle being 300mg testE a week for 8 weeks. End of 6 week Anavar only cycle update. 5 kg per week consistently) and you'll feel lighter and start showing face gains too in few months. Side effects you experienced, physically or mentally (good or bad) Details of the cycle you included the drug in. Sizzleen. For anybody who falls into body type 1 and 2 this is probably the worst thing you can do to yourself. Get the information you need to make informed decisions about your bodybuilding journey. For those unaware, each week we have a specific Now I just eat slightly above maintenance and lift heavy. Criticism also accepted, flame me if you need to. Then you come off and wait 4 weeks and run a pct. Tren E 350mg EW. 1. • 4 yr. Phase 2: Alactic Improvement ("Strength" Block). Diet : Whatever works for you is best. A good beginner cycle imo would be 300 test + 300 Deca. alongside a blend consisting of: 50mg trest ace 50mg mast prop 50mg tren ace 1mg methyl tren. Click Join now to receive Yes and no, it depends on your goals. 8% of my body weight each week. You will probably keep all your gains, and you will also probably not look joocy levels of impressive afterwards, probably just look like a decent natty Cut until you're around 8-10% body fat, see your progress, and then slowly start a bulk :D. This week we are discussing your experiences on your first cycle! The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Feb 14, 2023 · This is the most popular trenbolone cycle in our experience. Ostarine helps to prevent the loss of gains, not the gain of gains. Masterone 150mg every week for 12 weeks. Muscle mass loss = 16 lb x . For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. •. Final Stats: 178-180 lbs at ~9% bf. Week 3-4: Rad140 10mg, Mk677 15mg. For recovery wait 2 full weeks after your last test/deca shot and use Clomid at 100mg/day for days 1-10, then 50mg/day for days 11-20. Body Fat % Unknown. As far as the plan goes it's along the lines of-. Letrozole (optional): 1. Jan 24, 2024 · Best Beginner Female Cycle: Anavar – Known as the “female steroid” it allows muscle gain and fat loss with minimal sides if dosed correctly. My question is - after my 12 week cut (should be around (208lb), can I do a maintenance phase of two months and then cut again for another 12 months, then repeat that cycle once more? Compounds. So 15 votes, 27 comments. 5 lbs per week of muscle growth without AAS. Maybe you won’t even like being on gear and decide not do it again. Gaining clean weight, muscle and little fat) is the way to go. 21 Years Old. 1 or 2 orals in and out. 8 g per lbs of lean body weight. Been cutting and gaining the same 15 pounds and starting to get bigger but really want to get sub 200. Also depending on how heavy of a cut youre planning you may want to go up to 20-25mg a day, thats what I'm at. Best to be relatively lean before bulking. Musclemass ~ metabolic rate at rest. telgs1738. Steroids are not your answer. I'm scaling the dosage up slightly from the beginner cycle in the wiki, with 400mg of EQ pinned twice a week (800mg/wk total vs 700 for the beginner cycle), and I'm wondering if there would be any benefit from upping Beginner cycle. Some people argue that doing something like 6mo bulk + 3mo cut is better because you'll gain more strength/mass on a 6mo +500 calorie bulk than in 9mo at maintenance, assuming you eat properly to retain strength during the cut. 7 g per kg or 0. This is my first time pairing with another steroid and estrogen blocker, I don’t really have a general idea how to start it, when to take it and so on. What are y’all’s recommendations and experiences. It's a myth that bulking means gaining a lot of fat. What do people like for cutting? Also, I searched a bit for this and it seems people differ on carbs while cutting with tren. A recomp is possible with steroids but at your bodyfat you just need to cut. I would greatly appreciate it. Week 4: 20mg a day. 2. ago. When to dose: I would wake up before work down 16oz of water, shower, then dose the publicconsumption. HGH Insulin Orals in and out and for longer duration T3/T4 TNE. What made it effective: I was weighing my food and incredibly consistent with training. will run the test/NPP/tren ace plus the blend 3x a week. 3rd dxa test October ~10th to really see how much water I dropped and thus lean body mass from end of cycle to now. Bit silly as a first cycle, but if you've done a few gaining cycles previously this is fine. Think 750mg/wk or more. I believe the studies generally are in reference to lean body weight and the assumption is that you don't have to eat extra protein for any fat you carry, although I don't know if that is strongly supported by ADMIN MOD. Beginner cut: either a high replacement testosterone dose or up to say 250mg to 300mg a week. At 500 the sides are pretty non existent except for a bit of insomnia. co/LphHc6s. My first ride was 15 miles and that was plenty for me (i was an overweight half-marathoner at the time). • 6 yr. Start from a clean slate then lean bulk slowly. I started taking 500iu of HCG 2x a week after the second week As for compared to bulk/cut cycles, I've read a few things that seem to contradict. Muscle mass gained = 16 lb X . I’m cruising at 150mgs of test weekly now 5’11 195 want to do a cut cycle thinking about sarms instead of peds. If the taste works for you, I highly recommend it. Week 5-6: Rad140 15mg, Mk677 15mg. (PCT) Week 15-17 – 100mg/day Clomid for 10 days, then 50mg/day for another 10 days. It's also a myth that cutting requires losing a significant amount of muscle. PCT tips? PED/cycle help. 6-0. Maybe some proviron for the second half. Other weight gain is associated with water, fat, and glycogen stores. [deleted] • 2 yr. Supplements: Fish oil: 4g/day. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. 8 g per lbs. Never really committed to one road as far as bulk or cut, so spun my wheels back and forth between 160 and 170lbs. A mini-cut should not be used to get shredded or as the “kick-off” for a sustained fat loss phase. Mate, we have literally 20 threads a day on reddit with ppl asking "Can I go for anavar only cycle, give me the dose length and PCT guys please" while its written fucking everywhere on the internet it's the most stupid thing you can do. Your going to gain fat when you bulk, no way around it. This week we are discussing Nandrolone Decanoate, aka Deca. 4 weeks 30mg/day Anavar only Cycle thoughts. 3 Share. Compounds. Body weight ~ 158lbs. -1. Mixing 2 19nors. Gentlemen, I think we can assume that trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, unless for the really fat man, is totally ineffective. What would yall recommend for a first cycle while cutting? I'm 29, 5' 11", 230 lbs, been lifting for about 4 years. Let me tell you why. When I had this long of a commute, and was a beginner, I had a bus to help me out. Yes, you can take dbol alone without a test base, yes you will get huge, it’s a powerful compound you’ll prob gain 10/15 lbs in 6 weeks if you eat and train properly, most of which will be intramuscular glycogen and water retention, you’ll feel great, your strength will be going up almost daily. We tell them : DONT DO IT. Before: weight-185, After weight-162. 75 = 12 lb muscle. [Compounds] Your Best Cycle. You want to eat to support your training, not train to support your eating. Best cutting cycle is cutting calories and/or increase your daily activity. Award. I'm planning my first real cut cycle and thought I'd just do test prop and tren ace for the entire cycle, but not sure now.     Go to nattyorjuice. Not much is muscle gains maybe, mild strength gains, increased workout intensity and better recovery in the gym and post gym. 50% efficiency rate of net muscle per pound gained during a bulk after a full bulk/cut This is my overall review of Ostarine with all of my info in one place. EQ does give results with minimal sides. 5'8" low 200s-215, no problem. Keeping in mind a lot of this was water retention. I was able to turn a 7-day split into a 6-day split after adding NPP, but that's really it. Although I would say it really just matters what you want and your goals. Tomorrow will be a week since my last injection. If it's higher then you like, continue your slow bulk for ~5 more pounds, then do a cut to lose the 5 lbs. I’m new to this so tell me if this is good or nah. Cutting and bulking cycling is just the realistic way to buuld significant muscle. You get a range because of different studies, ie some study still showed marginal improvement up to . (This is the important part) people quit. If you bench 225 at 250lbs and manage to keep that same weight at 225lbs that’s a huge improvement. Now I am starting my cut of 1lb for week for 12 weeks. Its 100% deserved because they are stupid AF Maintain user safety as a primary concern in all discussions. Fat gained = 16 lb x . 3 years of training, you are unlikely at your genetic max. I'm trying to drop to about 170lbs and 10%bf, then make lean gains back up to 180. The perfect first steroid cycle IMO : r/nattyorjuice. Week 2: 22mg. Week 3: 20mg per day. Pre-cycle E2 level: 38 (All other blood markers in range, nothing of note) Lifting History: Been lifting for roughly 10 years. Be careful about Deca, it can raise your prolactin, better to take 400-1000mg of Vitamin B6 (The P5P one) and 150-300mg of Vitamin E everyday to prevent this, if it doesn't work, take caber twice a week. Share. If you are looking to gain as much muscle as possible then I think looming closer to 400mg of test a week and 40mg of dbol pre w/o would be better for your purposes. Red flag #3: you used a first cycle to cut. . I'm 5'9 183 about 18%bf. Benefits/gains you experienced. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback Discussion. Prop kickstarter is easy enough to dial in, use steroidplot and time it all out you'll be g2g. [Compounds] High Testosterone Cycles. An example of an advanced Testosterone and Dianabol 12 week bulking cycle would be: Week 1-6 – 40mg/ed Dianabol. Cutting will limit your muscle gains, but the majority of strength gained as a novice lifter is neural adaptation, which is not limited in the same way as muscular adapatation, when you are in a caloric defecit. 5mg/eod Arimidex. Both ways are acceptable. In an interview, Dr. As a competition nears, the volume and conditioning scale down while the intensity ramps up, meaning less recovery is needed, so less food is eaten, and weight is lost. On a cut, I aim to lose about 0. Best Overall Bulking Cycle: Testosterone, Deca Durabolin and Dianabol – A tried and tested stack, and with enough estrogen management, it can be a life changing cycle. Week 1 to week 8. Disclaimer: I know you should run a test base preferably. I think that's a better plan than cutting now and looking like a twig My preference, that I have developed through experience, is to cut for 8-12 weeks and bulk for 16-24 weeks. Cruise for 10-12 weeks then Cut for 12 weeks. I’m going to take 500mg of test c, I’m pairing it with anavar and arimidex. Typically a 8 week at 15mg is what I would suggest to anyone new. [Compound Experience Thread] HGH. •• Edited. Example would be 500mg test, 500mg primo paired with 20mg ED anavar with a bump after week 8 to 40mg anavar ED for the last 4 weeks. I was doing about 125mg every 3-4 days. Advanced cycle Intermediate cycle + larger dosages. [meta] beginner cut stack cycle for first time sarms use. You start at 80 sets a week and add 5 sets a week until you reach peak volume of 120 sets. Intermediate cycle Stacking Multiple compounds. Additionally, it is suggested that only one new compound be used per cycle, so its effects are easier to identify. Whether it be a recomp, strength, cut, bulk, or just all around feeling good/side free, lets hear about your BEST cycle. In fact I was planning on posting about this as a general post in /r/weightroom at a later date to recruit people to an impromptu experiment & see how it works on a broader scale. Phase 1: Alarm/Glycolytic Upregulation (Volume Accumulation). Primobolan (Methenolone) is both an oral and injectable steroid that is known to directly promote fat loss. Whether you liked the compound or not and whether you’d use it again. Because I was a beginner, and it was also hilly, the first time I tried it, it took 40 minutes. I would probably start with 5 weeks of maintenance calories and see if you are satisfied Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Hey people, I'm about to jump on a test/deca cycle, maybe throw in some dbol who knows. Person I always use it in the beginning but may throw it into the end at some point. I was able to stop the acne from spreading any further by cleaning up my diet and showering twice a day. Compounds like Var and Primo are really good for reducing catabolism on a cut and also helping to keep fat lipolysis up. So to give you some basic stats . I looked like a bloated guppy. A place away from r/bodybuilding and r/steroids to discuss whether the people you post are, or have been, on some sort of juicy substance or not. It's always the base because it keeps you feeling good while on cycle. I am telling you, if you want to cut, use tren. If you start bulking now and really push yourself, you may be able to hit 185 by January. These threads are extremely useful as an archive 8 weeks of test C, about 7 weeks of anavar. Cycle Report. Male. Oct 8, 2023 · Week 5-12: 600mg/week Primobolan (twice a week at 300mg per shot, if you can’t handle the pain do it 3x week at 200mg), 40-60mg/day Anavar. You can always extend it. Week 4-7: 22mg. Do what motivates you to stick to working out and eating healthy. 13. Ok so to give you an idea of where I am at, I am a 24 year old male. You should really use the first cycle to see how your body responds to gear and learn how to manage side effects and estrogen. Strength- stayed almost exactly the same (bench went up maybe 1 rep at 225) Diet: ~1800 cals /day (eggs, protien shake, ground turkey, chicken, ground beef, rice and veggies) I did have a cheat meal of an The smart thing to do is 250mg for 20 weeks and then do a PCT, don’t worry too much about the gains on the first cycle. All the time. Tren E 350mg/week noticed strength increase, minimal side effects like little less sleep, no acid reflux, appetite fine. The fifty miler was an elite running female and the 60 miler was a ultrarunning male. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Both from a biological and psychological perspective. Imo 20 weeks— I just finished pretty much this exact cycle (350mg/week for 20 weeks) and I basically didn’t plateau in strength gain, it just kept shooting up the whole cycle. Dec 9, 2023 · 12-week Testosterone / Dianabol Cycle. Let members decide what content is desirable (within the confines of Reddit’s & /r/steroids TOS and posted rules. You will build muscle and lose fat it is just a lot slower and longer process although, I believe it is much more sustainable. See what makes you feel confident and happy about your progress. I found it difficult to cycle bulking and cutting all the time. I wanted to cycle while bulking, but I had knee surgery and got laid off, so I couldn't afford it. I like the idea of lower dose for the entire cycle with a bump at the end. These threads are extremely useful as an Body weight ~ 155lbs. I usually take a short period of 2-4 weeks on maintenance in between cut and bulk periods. For a first bulk consider Test E and Dbol maybe and then when you want to cut try Trenbelone. You spent your money trying to buy something that is free. EDIT: I went from 12-20 sets per workout natty to 20-25 sets per workout. It's because bulking/cutting is highly effective in comparison to trying to improve body composition while maintaining body weight. This week we are discussing Human Growth HormoneHGH. That being said, You'll still have to run at a caloric deficit (500 is typical) in order to cut. Rad140 In depth cycle report. 25 = 4 lb loss. Read the r/steroids wiki. Unless you can somehow EXACTLY hit your needs +1 calorie, the best way to build muscle is to bulk: IE eat enough that you are sure you're in a surplus. whats-sugma. As a beginner if you diet right and workout to your max you can gain pounds and pounds of muscle without the fat really adding up. 5. For new users, a simple testosterone-only cycle is recommended. Trying to do both a Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. r/nattyorjuice. When to dose: I would wake up before work down 16oz of water, shower, then dose the ADMIN MOD. Weeks 1-4: Hop on the test E train at 600 mg/wk Weeks 5-10: Add in deca and blast it at 300 mg/wk Weeks 11-12: Get off deca and run test for 2 more weeks to 1. 8 Week Rad-140 Log. I have already been running MK-677 for 2 weeks prior to starting Rad, and will continue running it for another 14 weeks. 25mg every other day. So I was on Mk677 for a total of 11 weeks and on Rad140 for a total of 9 weeks. eric_twinge. 15 miles is a long commute, especially if it's hilly. But cutting is faster (~ 1lb/0. Beginner bulk: 500-600mg testosterone a week. Obviously it's highly situational. For example if you're bulking at +300/day then cutting at -500/day, you'd only need to cut ~3 weeks to lose the fat gained in your 2 months of bulking. ADMIN MOD. 3 day split-. Red flag #4: you said you were cutting because you were already too fat. Assuming a 50/50 muscle/fat gain. Facilitate high quality information sharing related to steroids and hormones. Tren E 500mg/week noticed another increase in strength, sleep dropped 1-2hrs per night, no acid reflux, appetite still okay, patience is lower. kicks_puppies. Strength loss should not occur during a cut at all, unless perhaps you are a very advanced lifter. I started by just riding the 6 miles to the transit center, then hopping on an express bus to finish it up. Mini-cutting and bulking cycles. thefberger. Finished my 12 week Testosterone Cypionate cycle. Test replaces your natural production while on cycle so you will feel great, better than being natural as far as sex drive and motivation goes. Speaking from experience, 15mg should be good for a beginner cycle especially if you still aren’t used to taking heavier supplements. Bulking and cutting tends to get pretty silly. Reply. Should have you set up perfectly for November. Recomp can take a while to actually show "body gains". You can also use HCG. Was planning on a 8 week cut followed immediately by 8 week gain. Nearing end of 6 weeks of Anavar only, this is my first cycle ever, 30mg per day only, split 3 times, I’ve had nothing but a positive experience, seemed to lose fat even though not really trying and gained good muscle especially around delts/traps, and gained 1/2 inch on each arm, have to General consensus is you should aim to lose between 1% - 1. Load only increases when designated reps are hit on all sets. But for a natural lifter, you can't really gain more than 23 lbs of muscle per year. If you were overweight, it is very important to cut first to stay injury-free. To make good gains on a first cycle you need to eat like a beast, so eat like hell on your bulk and smash the gym. 190 lbs. The reason for this is that testosterone is a mild anabolic, so it can be safely stacked to boost gains without making tren’s side effects much worse. As you can see I had no foundation to start AAS. 5'8" 240, not as likely, as an example. summer cut cycle, starting May 1st and running through September when I go hit Vegas. Weeks 12-15 were the most dramatic for strength gains though. Testosterone 300mg every week for 12 weeks. Click Join now to receive Go on a diet! Don’t waste a cycle on a cut, just stay in a caloric deficit to loose fat/weight. Ending it early at 12ish weeks is just such a waste of potential gains imo. Don't make your cut too deep and you should be able to have a recomposition effect. It takes a long time to build muscle (that's why cutting is easier IMO). So there is more total volume there. Look decent on cycle however with no test base and a weak oral steroid You will keep 0 gains following pct. Week 1-12 – 500-750mg/week Testosterone (Enanthate/Cypionate), 0. Nothing's changed in my routine (compound, full-body push-pull lifts 3x/wk; some calisthenics) this cycle except this. To bulk, you eat more than maintenance (aka "surplus") and to cut you eat less than maintenance (aka "deficit"). I would cut your belly fat but still hit the heavy weights so you don’t loose muscle. Maybe you did this, maybe not - but share your experiences and lessons learned below. Reply reply. This week we are discussing HIGH TEST CYCLES. Additionally terrible brain fog and robot like emotions due to massive lack of the hormones testosterone and oestrogen which are very important for bodily functions. Week 7-9: Rad140 20mg, Mk677 20mg. After last injection, wait 10 days then start with clomid (I don’t know dose yet) for 21 days. In any case there's no need to cut for as long as you bulk. We also answer the tough fitness questions that other subs don't, can't or won't. I ended up cutting at 2200 cals/day, but would throw in a cheat meal where I saw fit. Discussion. As to why it is listed on wiki for cutting I don't know. I know two people whose firsts ride were 50 and 60 miles respectively. Ruin themselves. No you will not lose out on beginner gains because you are cutting as a beginner. I blew up from 170lb to 195lb in 8 weeks (I'm 5'11). I'd say it depends on current physical condition. Ive run tbol solo for first cycle, bad idea. That's why test is a good starting steroid. Each ester you have used and if your experience varied (if applicable) This week’s Compound/PED is: Bulking Cycles/Stacks. Nice stable levels in a deficit is beyond a lot of naturals. Last week we shit talked EQ discussed our worst experiences with gear, so this week we will discuss tren our best experiences. hz iz go aq ez uf ig qv xy uy